The Divine Within

15977265_737445259766798_7358096592730834408_nIn India there is a Sufi story about creation and where to put God (or the Divine or whatever name you place on a higher power): "If we put God at the bottom of the ocean, man will dive there. If you place God on a mountaintop, man will climb there in search of him. But if we put God inside of him, man will never think to look there."In many spiritual philosophies and theories it is said that the next teacher is just around the corner. When needed to grasp a powerful lesson she (or he) will appear as a mighty ferocious warrior ready to embark you in a journey questioning faith, love and patience. In a second she takes her sword to conquer the ego and the false perception of truth, control and belief. Usually this great warrior appears in the path of adversities, addiction, loss, physical crisis or a significant event that forces us to search for inner strength. And it is in her presence that we are humbled to bow and listen while she takes that sword and smacks it on us to pay close attention to what is important leaving us bruised, achy and tired.

I am blessed to have had a warrior like Xena show up recently. I am being pushed to those extremes and reminded that nothing happens by mistake. Her teachings are magical and condensed to make the lessons stick without much time to rest before the next battle. It's in those times that I get quiet and find the God within me and how I don't have to run around looking for him out there. I get to see him looking at me through the eyes of another --a soul-to-soul mystical connection. I get to witness true cosmic changes through every action and reaction.This is the Divine Feminine in me reminding me of my strength. It is God through all others that reflects those parts of myself that need improvement or attention. I am embraced by divine energy shielding me from any real harm. I am what I am. I am who I am and I will not apologize for that. We all have the power to look within and find God. He/she isn't on some cloud in the sky treating you like a puppet. He isn't to blame for your choices. He isn't here to punish you. He/she is within the walls of your physical body, the embodiment of all that is humble,compassionate, and graceful. It's our nature to detect, accept and reject what doesn't suit us. You can only meet another at the level of their consciousness and divinity.How Ahhhhmazing, right!? To know that no matter how far and wide you search for faith, it is sitting right inside of you the whole time. And it is through the external forces of another that we are reminded of our divine purpose and our right to keep compassion for those who hurt us. It's through forgiveness that we find God really displaying our humanness. It's through the miracles of love that we accept it in us. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to strengthen my tools, heart and mind in this game called life.