Edge of Madness

Yeah, you know the place well but you don't have a name. It's when You know that something is coming and it's shifting but you can't truly figure out what it looks like. It's that place between certainty and the unknown. At times it is frustrating. It is nerve-wrecking because, as adults, we have been conditioned to be responsible with our choices. These are the opportunities that arise when we walk through intuition and not fear. These are the moments that show up when we have done everything we needed to accomplish for the highest evolution of the soul. But, now what? Yeah...that's the magical question. I've come to realize that I have to ask myself a few questions when this happens now and sit with pen and paper: (1) Where exactly is this Edge of Madness at? (2) What does the terrain look like when I stand firm on the ledge? (3) How am I feeling when I step back just a bit to observe where it's taking me? and finally (4) Am I ready to fly off this cliff into my authentic life that will be joyous while trusting every cell of me to know that I am gonna be great? There is purpose in every answer. That's the thing about working towards a goal...it ends and we stand asking, "Now what? I don't see the dot on the horizon and I thought I knew where I would be by now. Where do I go from here?" Make a new goal of not really planning anything for a bit. Let serendipity guide you through your inner GPS system. Let faith be the guiding light. Okay, maybe this is too woo-woo for some...but the alternative is obsessing and creating a sense of anxiety and fear. When you move through fear you lower your vibrations, therefore stopping the flow of all manifestations. Let it go and allow the Divine to guide you for a few days. You don't have to figure things out RIGHT NOW. You can rest, play, create, journal, hike, or do whatever you need to do to release the unknown. You have just finished an incredible accomplishment. Here you are...take time to step back and watch the magic unfold. It's time to breathe! ~ Millie ~