Compassionate Tribe

18342151_1475346785857508_9213382647655657273_nI read somewhere long ago that there is a tribe in Africa who shows tremendous compassion and support for one another. When someone commits a mistake or a wrongdoing they don't judge or bring them down. They don't punish their tribe member for what they did. They stop everything that one day and they gather around that person. And, one by one they lift that soul who has been broken with loving words. They tell that person, sharing with kindness while reminding them of their attributions and beautiful things. They enhance their greatness.I don't know if this story is true or not. It doesn't matter. I feel that this is the way our society needs to be. We need to lift one another when we have fallen. We all live based on our past mistakes. We come down on ourselves and beat our self esteem to such low levels. To get support from your village, oh my! It's hard enough to deal with our own judgment and self-criticism. It's even more appalling when others are constantly seeing the flaws instead of our beauty. I want to live like this tribe. I want to raise another when they fall and they hurt. I want them to know that it's okay to have hard life lessons. It's not okay to stay there and live as a victim.This is compassion at its fullest. This is community and true empathy. This is the world that I want to leave for my children and grandchildren. This is what we came here to do. No one cares about the political climate or religious beliefs. This is not about any of that. It's about finding hope and kindness when we really need it. Remember that it's wonderful to spend time with others when all is well. The hardest part of being with one another is when we are hurt and feel raw. We feel neglected and rejected. We wallow in the anger and negativity of how others see us. We need to be there for one another in vulnerability and in joy. Yes, yes, yes! This is how I want to be of service to another.Imagine! Can you truly envision a world without judgment and criticism? A world that has joined together to lift one another?I want to know that as I walk throughout this journey I can squeeze out laughter and love from as many people I can.Join me in this venture!!!