Toxic Energy

In the desert of Africa there lives a wasp that preys on a specific spider. It stings the spider, paralyzing it, and then places her eggs inside of her to incubate. As the eggs grow the spider dies and it becomes a moist haven for the wasp babies to grow. Now, imagine if you will, all those people in your lives who sting you and paralyze you with toxic energy. They are incubating negativity, fear, anger, and an array of emotions that DO NOT and SHOULD NOT belong in your body. However, we do let them, don't we?As we watched this segment yesterday the spider did get away from the wasp, rolling down the desert sands and I cheered on internally, "Goooo little one, woohoo, you made it!" This is how I feel when someone comes at me with some toxic bs trying to penetrate their venom in me. I am done incubating other folks' seeds of insecurity. I am done feeding the fears and anxiety.When will you stop and move into freedom? You do not have to entertain every thought, criticism, judgment, and egotistical behavior. You do not own anything that is not yours. You are only responsible for your emotions. Sometimes these folks are masked as sweet and innocent. Sometimes just viciously mean. It's up to you to roll out of their sight. You are magnificent intuitive beings. Live inJOY! Send those wasps running else where. You own your body, mind, and spirit. No one else can do this for you! ~m.a.p.