Rise to the Occasion 

I keep finding love. Surprises me because it's never really lost. It's there waiting to be acknowledged. But, when I find it in the most unusual of places, well I am moved by lack of ego towards it all. I am reminded of growth and awareness. I experience the ultimate pleasures of the Open divine consciousness without the mind chit chatting it away.  We as a whole in this world need to learn to tolerate without judgment. We need to allow the ego to fall to the side in order to help others without discriminating. Whether it is for the homeless, the illegal immigrant, the single mother, the homosexual, the drug addict, the HIV patient, or anyone who is human and imperfect like we are! If you haven’t experienced their life please be kind enough to send love, prayers and allow your ego to take a backseat. Never diminish one struggle over another. Never judge what you haven’t undergone. The harshness of opinions, criticism, and intolerance seems to cause more than just wars. It is depleting our world from the faith in humanity. Unless you walked the talk…please sit down and quiet the mouth.  As I always tell my children when they try to argue a point they know nothing about, “But, but, but, Mom….” I say, “The only but is the one you need to sit on and be quiet until you have experienced it yourself.”   We are one. We are connected in this giant web of humanness.  Learn from others but don’t allow your preconceptions determine the person they are, can be, or should become. You never know where life can (and will) take you. Karma has a way of teaching powerful lessons when we carry a closed mind and heart.Now go out there and show your superpowers of loving and compassion. Love as loudly as you can. Boooommmmm!