Together We Can

What I find is that if, and when, I put every dream out to the universe I get it all. When I let go with pure intentions I get it better than I expect it.  Being scared is also an opportunity to be brave.  If we fear nothing then how would we know what courage looks like?  There is also the opportunity to explore why we fear certain things. Is it something from the past that has to be processed and learned in order to move on? Is it our internal knowing telling us to beware? Is it ego? Often times what holds us back from moving forward is the anxiety of the future and allowing it to paralyze our progress.  Those things we don’t know are kinda scary when we place expectations unto them. The point is to have no expectations!We have the power to manifest anything we want. We have the ability to attract those things that seem impossible. It takes the gift of putting aside all pre-judgments, negative beliefs, and sabotage that we’ve been conditioned to live.Make a list. Let it go.  Reprogram yourself. De-clutter your life and make room for blessings. It’s time. We need to stand together with a shift in consciousness. I can’t do this alone. Look at the state of the world and believe that together we can send out the love and peace it needs. But, it starts with you first. It starts at home with you manifesting the things your heart desires. Be honest with your truth because the authentic YOU is dying to live in freedom. If you aren’t happy then we cannot shift a thing. ALIGN your dreams with the Universe. I am a trust fund baby of the Universe and so are you with unlimited resources of money, love, happiness, peace, health, compassion, and all that is good. We got this!