Make this day count 

There are many precious moments in life: Being heard; Being truly seen; Being present with another are on top of the list. We fall into crevices at times taking our loved ones for granted. Stop. Listen. Pay attention to the signs that they need attention. Today you are busy. Tomorrow you have something else. The week passes and those precious moments get lost in limbo. Today is an exquisite commodity. Don't let routine take you away from your loved ones. Pick up the phone and tell them you miss them; that you love them; that they mean the world to you. Write a love letter. Send a card. Leave a post-it note. Talk to a stranger. Do something you've never done before. These are the gaps that are never lost in a lapse of time. These are the words that unite us: "I love you. I love you with all of me...and until we meet again I will continue to hold you in my heart. I breathe today with the thought of you embracing me...."Or make new words. Share your stories. Observe the beauty of nature and this world. Be alone or not. But...take today as a platform of endless possibilities and make it special. Today is a gift. Make it count! Make it memorable. Do not take your presence for granted...EVER!