Stay in the magic 

Storms come and go. The snow pours and melts. The autumn changes and falls. Heat comes and goes. It is all an easy willingness and an acceptance of nature. Nothing happens without a reason, and the earth welcomes each movement with respect and patience. There is so much to be admired and learned from each particle of existence.It is so easy to forget where we are and where we are going while traveling in our lives. It is impossible for most of us to take time to breathe in and exhale a peaceful moment. Even if you don’t live by the ocean, or the countryside, or even the mountains, you have to find a balance in a place to make room for nature. Whether it is walking to a park, or sitting outside for a little bit, you have to sit in the vastness of this world. Once you are centered with it you can see the perspective of your own existence and dwelling. Things start to slow down, shift and make ground for the next chapter.Take a few moments on this busy day to just BE in the awareness of this greatness we call earth.