Staying in Love

Omgosh darlings! Sweet darlings! I might have a lot of eyes rolling at this post but I still have faith in my fellow humans. I still continue to search for the good. Of course there are some disturbed and messed up folks. No excuses there BUT I promise you that there are freaking yummilicious fellow humans. There are more of the goodness than not. I come across them all the time. I am always surprised by the kindness in others and how easily it appears when you are opened to it.Hate doesn’t dissolve into love. Never has. It will never ever fix the world. So...I’m choosing to stay in my love bubble. I can see the dark side of things. I’m not that oblivious. I don’t have my head stuck in the sand. I just choose to love. Oh my goodness...I will ALWAYS love ❤️. I will always feel blessed for what I receive in return. I am conscious of truly finding the good in humanity. I will continue to help another, reach for the needy, and hug as often as I can. Especially strangers.As long as I breathe I will hand out smiles and words of encouragement. I will compliment someone when they seem hopeless and crack into sweet laughter because it’s contagious. It’s a divine plan and I am sticking with THAT!I would love nothing more than for you to join me in shifting all the negativity into some delicious positive energy. Cause together, sweethearts, we can!!!! If you want change in our world it starts with you. It starts with me. It starts with us.