Actors In A Play

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."-James BaldwinFor some time I’ve had to face a reoccurring actor in my play. I believe each of our lives is a stage. I am the play writer, the protagonist, the director and the story. Those who come in and out are actors playing a specific role in my drama. Because I am now in a place of joy, I only write comedies. So, when a specific role enters my play for audition which has been cancelled for a while, I am taken aback. It’s humorous to watch the same role of manipulator-punisher-narcissist, played by a different actor, try to bully his/her way into my play. And no matter how I explain to this actor that the role has been canned s/he will take it upon themselves to continue to antagonize me. We all know actors, they are very persistent!It isn’t until we face that role, the archetype, that we can make peace with it. Nothing can continue less we shut down production and rewrite the script to suit our new lives. Each stage is different, with a multitude of entrances and exits. Each character brings something to the play. But until we are prepared to cancel the roles that hurt us, they will continue to enter the playhouse for auditions. Nothing can change until you face it and make a conscious decision to do so.I am blessed to step back, center myself, and ask Spirit to take care of this particular situation. Once I sit with the story, the performance, and the scenario I can re-adjust my play. I get to decide what the next scene will look like. I am the director and producer.May you realize the roles that you draw into your drama and accept them for the diversity and the many lessons. Every actor gets a chance to play a role in your stage. You just get to decide how long their performance will last.Now go break a leg! Not literally....