Retrospective Observation from a Retreat

Twenty women from 20 to 82 years young shared space for 3 days. Not one single discord or negative exchanged was witnessed. Every single woman is from different background and faith, yet not once did I witness judgment or criticism for anyone sharing their feelings. We all laughed in the same language. We all embraced our differences. I am always blessed to be among such gorgeousness and tribe. Amazing women have shared and entertained. We have touched upon all kinds of subjects, played games and truly loved. We have put our guards down. It’s been one of the most magical times in a while. The cackling of joy has been overwhelmingly silly and therapeutic. Omgosh!It was a true no-judgment zone full of kindness and mutual ongoing respect. Hospitality is not about entertaining. Hospitality is an attitude of opening up your life so others can come in and join. It is about allowing love and kindness to flow through that space of sharing and being in the present moment with company. And when this happens it is magical! I enjoy each one who shared that space with me at the Charleston Laughfest Retreat. I walked miles of that beach with and without company. We shared with each meal and games. Everyone of those ladies took something magical home with them. And I took their friendships to a deeper level. I am blessed to have been in a sacred space of love and compassion. Everyone needs that. It recharges the batteries. A weekend full of laughter is healing and therapeutic to the oomph degree. If you don’t have a tribe please do make one, join one, or just reach out to me. I can help with that. I'm sure we can build one together. I love you.