The Magic of These Times

This morning...sometime around 1:30AM the moon woke me. I stepped out of the room, tip toeing, as not to wake Matt or Kali going down the stairs. I went outside searching for what woke me, the giant eye in the sky. It was magical. I never ever get tired of sitting outside and watching the night sky and all the incredible mysticism it holds beyond our vision.I stepped inside, cold, shaking and when I went to the bathroom I witnessed my daddy's whiskey-color eyes staring back. I hadn't thought about him in long time. This season always gets me nostalgic. But I also feel the magic in the the sweetness of something I've missed for a long time.My dad left to get a pack of cigarettes on December 23rd, when I was 9 years old. He promised that morning to take me to the store to help me make a list for Santa Claus. He left and never returned. It's not a fairy tale story but when I look into my eyes now I see his eyes, with the lines of laughter and I have his smile.I also see the millions of reasons for the things he running away when things got heavy, or avoiding dealing with craziness, or simple responsibilities. It was also what made him charming and the life of party. He didn't have an ill bone to him. I have his crazy sarcastic wit and the ability to talk to an ant as if it was human.He also taught me what not to become with his absence. The traits I may carry in my genetic pool aren't for me to act on. I stay and raise my kids. I stay when it gets tough and rough. I stay when it's way too much and my natural inkling is to run. I also stay because I love. And he taught me that. He missed out on so much. I would never want to experience his regrets and resentments. He died a painful death with cancer all throughout his body for years.It's taken many decades to make peace with Christmas. This time of the year sneaks up and pulls emotions out.So, once I turned the light off I went outside again...said a few prayers to the heavens and I witnessed his response with a shooting star. Like a gorgeous flow of glitter....That moon...those stars...that magic. Go explore it folks. It's healing!There is magic all around us. Do you feel it?