Happy New Everything
If you allow for it the world will move you every day to a place of complete openness. The hardest part is allowing the heart to stay open enough to receive the gifts. Some gifts will be painful and force you to grow for the betterment of your spiritual evolution. Others will contribute grace, adventure, and love to bring you closer into the web of humanity. Give yourself the permission this new year to experience all the wow’s and aha moments while staying in the present. They will transform you forever. Take risks, move beyond the comfort zone, laugh more, love deeper, share your life with strangers, truly forgive, don’t forget to breathe and enjoy the ride. Do the things that make you come alive. Let go of the fears. Ask questions that force your consciousness to expand. Find a spiritual practice that grounds you and gives meaning to your existence. Step out into this world with zest. Create your resolutions if you feel they will help you. Make your vision boards for guidance. Make space in your life for more joy.I will not be creating unrealistic goals this year. I will not be putting myself with the stress through expectations. I know how it feels to spin out of control because I cannot accomplish those tasks ASAP. I am allowing each moment to dictate what needs to be done. I am being mindful with my thoughts. No more expectations! They force Ego to dictate my mood. They also lead to extreme sense of failure and disappointments. Therefore, this new year I am just gonna surf it with a child-like sense of wonder and adventure. I will dance more under the stars, play with fairies in the creeks, ride unicorns through the woods, and allow Divinity to surprise me with magic. Let’s see where that will take me! There is yumminess in just allowing for the magic to come to me. Feel the joy? I sure do!!!I love you. Thank you for joining me here. I am forever grateful (and often shocked) by the kind and loving support. Together we can transform the next 365 days into the best year of our lives. ~Millie