
A few weeks ago during meditation I received a clear message on love and forgiveness. When I returned from that place of healing energy I sat with the openness of the lessons. I was elated and heartbroken; giddy and stricken by shame; opened fully to release while embraced with egotistical guilt. I understand duality. And so for days I sat with emotions as they visited throughout the holidays.I am always blessed with guidance from Divinity. I believe that the higher we go on the chain of evolution the less we hold on to regrets, resentments, anger and other lower vibrational frequencies.You know when you’ve grown? When you no longer hold another in your painful thoughts. You know when you’ve evolved spiritually? When you only wish them the very best in spite of what they caused you. You know when life is providing true freedom? When you see the hurt coming way before it arrives and you simply accept it and move on. You set boundaries and are no longer a doormat, but you allow for those experiences to teach you about your humanness. Oprah has said, “True forgiveness is when you can say, Thank you for that experience.”I pray that the same way I have learned to let go that those folks I’ve hurt in my life can also release my wrongdoings. Holding on to shameful experiences is no way to live. It’s unworthy of our time.Letting go is not easy. It’s not a cliche that we can swallow when we are angry and full of resentments. It is true work in progress. It’s sometimes the struggle that creates such a distressful sense of anxiety. But, letting go of the past, traumas, events, atrocities, and anything else actually creates a sense of BEing. You eventually begin to find balance through gratitude for those life assignments.You deserve a serene state of consciousness. Your higher soul will provide the most favorable lessons for the evolution of your spiritual growth. It’s up to you to accept them and move on.Forgiveness, in every sense of the word, is gracious and merciful. It’s part of this human journey. Don’t let hurt keep you in a prison of your own hatred.Love heals through forgiveness...always! And when you forgive you make room for more magical beginnings.