Finding Faith

Faith is not found when everything is going smoothly. Faith is witnessed when the world collides with chaos and struggles. That’s when we search for her. Often times we are angry because we feel she’s abandoned our space.Let me share how I see Faith:She’s in the nights when you are crying yourself asleep because a loved one is dying near you, or when your wife has decided to walk out of your relationship, or when your child has ended up in jail. She is lighting the path for a new job, better opportunities and safer place for you. She’s in the aches and brokenness of your fears and the disappointments of your expectations.Faith is sitting quietly waiting on you to grab her and shake every cell in you to trust her and let go of the situation. She is there to take over if you just let go of the control. She’s the light that gives way into darkness.When your world comes apart and you cannot find reasons to logically make sense of anything...that is when Faith is seen and felt. That’s when she whispers through your personal beliefs, “I’m here. I have something better. I will work on this. Trust!”I have met many religious folks who have zero faith. They go to church every week but when their world gets rattled by hard obstacles their faith is completely absent. They live in fear and lack belief. They basically abandon all belief and break into eternal darkness.And then I’ve met some folks who say they don’t believe in anything. When things happen they have found something stronger than themselves to carry them through it. They say they believe in themselves.So what is faith? It is religious? Is it your higher self taking over? Is it a deep spiritual knowing that you are here to learn and evolve? Is it the opportunity to shift awareness and shift into something powerful? Is it you? Is it God?We have all experienced horrific acts in our lives. We have undergone atrocities. We have overcome major obstacles. Some of you are experiencing these things right now.What keeps you going? What’s the thing or substance that allows you to get up and keep moving through it all?For me Faith is complete trust. Regardless of what's happening I trust that it's for something better. It's to take me places I need to experience. Every decision is part of the process and Faith is there to take the wheel.