Crossing Over

Yesterday I visited my sweet 96 year old who is barely there. She has been transitioning for weeks. She is all bones. When I got to her room with the med tech she was wrapped in several blankets. I spoke loudly to let her know I was there. I asked how she was feeling and she said she was waiting to go see the Good Lord. So I said loudly, “Go darling! It’s time. Go! You can dance and play with Him!”Her roommate who is much younger, but has progressive dementia yells, “I wanna go. I want to go where she’s going!”“No, sweetheart, it’s not your time. You can’t go where she’s going at this time. You go on a later date!”My client started on her loop, “Don’t Rush me. I’m going as fast as I can. I have rivers to cross. I can’t get on the raft....” I touched her arm to calm her state of confusion.Her roommate started yelling, “I wanna go where she’s going too. I know how to swim.”The med tech looks at me with a scorn look and says, “See what you started?” We both smiled.I heard someone come into her room in a wheelchair and the elderly patient was ready to also go on the field trip to wherever my client was going!When you give consent and wishes to loved ones to go be with the Good Lord please be sure no one else is ready to join them. Seems there are rivers to cross and not enough room on the raft.