Love is Everlasting

An 85 y/o client shared the story of the first time he saw his wife over sixty-five years ago today. She transitioned a few years ago. He can’t remember how long it’s been.“The first time I ever saw her...(he took a deep pause)...she had me.” His eyes seemed to be recollecting the vision of her. “She was the most heavenly sight I had seen after returning from Korea.”We stayed in silence for a moment while he continued staring at the wall in front of him as if he was seeing the memories pass by. He gasped...again and then returned to meet my eyes next to him.“What did you notice first?” I asked him. He smiled. I waited with anticipation.“Her smile. It lit me up like I had never been lit before!”I gasped. It was my turn to take it all in. How do you move from such a statement? Then he broke the silence.“On her last day on earth she had the same look. That morning she called for me four times. She had fallen and I ran to her. I called the paramedics. They came and she was losing her life. There she was slowly disappearing in front of me. I knew it. We got to the hospital and her eyes on the stretcher let me know that it was the last time she would look at me that way....” Tears formed in his eyes like two giant puddles of blue water.I asked him, “How do you come back from that moment?”He quickly said, “You never do. Even with me forgetting things the memory of that day lives with me. I wish that was one thing I could forget.”I am always gifted lessons when I visit my folks. Always! It’s in the smallest touch or conversations. It’s in the authentic intimate moments of asking and their willingness to share life with me.I asked one more curious question, “Did you get to kiss her goodbye?” Tears began falling from my eyes.He looked at me and answered, “I did. And her lips are still on mine.” He passed his fingers over his mouth.Love is everlasting. If you don’t have this with your mate....find a way to get there. No relationship is perfect but there are moments that will be cherished in your later years. Make them special. Make them count. May your lover's kisses be imprinted on your lips forever.