March Update

Several people, including close friends, have commented on a bizarre feeling that’s been inhabiting them for weeks. It's been intensified during March. The comments are all similar in nature: “I feel anxious for no reason. I am restless. I feel stuck. I feel uncertain. My body hurts. I'm numb. I am out of sorts….” I have heard the same message over and over for some time. I get asked how and why this is happening? The short version of my answer is “I don’t know.” The long version is that there is some form of cosmic activation happening in a conscious and metaphysical plane. The energy is swirling and I wish I wasn’t so sensitive to it. I feel it at night when I am coming out of my skin. Our toddler hasn’t been sleeping well for weeks. I get a sense that her little body isn’t aware of what’s happening since she’s truly wide open. We are all wide open, except some of us get hit with stomach issues, headaches, lethargic motions, sadness, insomnia, blah-ness and other ailments that seem to feel like doom. Just like you, I am surfing the waves when they arrive. Other times I am returning to breath and the moment. I keep reminding myself that I get to decide how I feel.My darlings, you aren’t alone in your struggle. This is an odd and incredible exciting time. Things are moving in a faster pace and it seems we can’t get all that we are used to doing in a 24 hour time lot. It’s okay. Cut yourself some slack. There is such anger and hatred and complete inhumane energy moving through these accelerated times. There is anger everywhere and the cords of discomfort are being felt throughout the waves of consciousness. DO NOT think for one second that your thoughts aren’t attached to mine and the world. Do not believe for one moment that your emotions are not attached to this timeline everywhere. It’s all so very stagnate and yucky. It feels as if compassion and kindness have left our humanness. For now….only for a bit. I promise this isn’t going to last forever. Nothing ever does. I also promise you that when you accept your position as a warrior of light and love you will no longer be concerned with all the issues in the media...because you create your own reality.I have to believe you and I, and everyone, can shift back to this moment and breathe in love. Your job is to align yourself back to Divine-love consciousness. Your purpose is to join the collective consciousness of greatness in compassion. We are here in human form, but our souls are endless. Let’s get back to our own spiritual spaces and ground our truth into the earth. The mind, body and spirit are being pulled and pushed with such horrific thoughts because that's how we are controlled by the world. Fear is slavery. Let’s send love notes to the universe, regardless of our religious and political beliefs. God doesn’t care who you vote for, who you sleep with, and who you pray through….the Divine cares that we treat each other with dignity, integrity, love, compassion and hope. The moment we return to love…I am certain that we can fix just about anything. Until then…let’s just surf the waves of yuckiness and muckiness while trying to find moments of joy in our day. Go sit outside and take in nature. Make time to do nothing but be with your spiritual guidance. I haven’t got any other answer but to love one another. Apologize and forgive those who aren’t in your same belief systems or in your authentic alignments. Forgive and return to what matters….We are giving birth to a new time. It’s exciting and fantastic. We are required to shift our perception from old programming. Let’s Mother the world with kindness.Sending love to all. We are the force and the change we have been waiting for. We are here now. No more putting off and allowing others to dictate what we came here to accomplish. Love! ~m.a.p.