Let Go

There are days that have themes. Today's theme is “moving on.” We all have twists to our stories believing that we cannot do something because of timing. This afternoon I was changing the cat liter box when a thought appeared: What shit are you needing to clean up that keeps stinking up your life? Think about that and be honest with what is stagnant and stopping you from really moving forward whether it's materialistic, emotionally, physically, or spiritually. The moment you stop waiting on someone else to come change you you will be free. What's stinking your life that needs major changes? There is a point in your journey that you must truly take accountability for who you are. What will it take to remove the stink out of your life or will you continue to sit with it and pretend it's not there? I don't know about you, but unlike the elephant in the room, a long overdue liter box can't be ignored for too long....What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for the prince to come find you? Are you waiting for the job of your dreams to knock on your front door? Are you waiting for the perfect moment while making a million excuses for not doing things now? What are you waiting for to happen so you can have the things you desire? It starts with awareness, followed by acceptance and then actively making the change. Let your higher self lead the way. You got this! ~m.a.p.