Baby Steps

Our little boy, who is still in Foster care in Florida, took his first steps alone today. Like...completely alone with a huge smile. He got up by himself.Let me explain why this is a HUGE event.See, he was confined to a tiny space the first 10 months of his life. He didn’t crawl or get up or sit up. He was immobile... pretty much.But, with the grace of God and a wonderful angelic foster family, he is thriving. He has been getting physical therapy. He is showing up, being fully present, and doing the work needed to heal.He took his first baby steps! Recovering. Moving forward. Happily stepping into his own.He reminds us to be brave. To move forward. To keep going. He is teaching us to take our own baby steps even when we are fearful.That’s our boy! That’s our baby, at 13 months, compassionately and fully plunging into the unknown.We anxiously wait for the day we get the okay to go get him. Meantime, he is doing what he's suppose to do under the care of a loving family.If he can do it so can we.