Intensity of these Times

The news of Anthony Bourdain’s death left me speechless this morning. My son had worked with him in the past filming shows in New York City. He shared how great the man was, witty, kind and low key. I know that right now, in this particular time in history, the intensity of conscious shifting/awakening is hard to comprehend. It's difficult to navigate at times. Emotions are flared and magnified by esoteric changes. It’s freaking chaotic. Not that depression and suicides haven’t been part of our lives in the past, but at this moment it’s super intensified.Two weeks ago while driving to Baltimore and Washington DC, I zoned out into a meditative state. I could see the grid lines in the horizon, in the landscape, over mountains. I was seeing the collapsing of something powerful and the density of energy that wasn't this apparent years ago. We are in the midst of merging timelines, darlings! Those flux emotions you keep feeling and lethargic body times are not to be ignored. So, I ask that you reach out when you feel the sadness overcome you. I beg you to seek help because bottling old traumas or new ones isn't going to raise your frequency to where you need to be as we move through this time.What can we expect? I feel we will see a lot more until something in us completely awakens. We are spiritual beings navigating in a human form. Let’s get real here...we tend to forget this shit because we are sucked into a system that has been selling untruth. We have the power to change everything.The imbalance of earth and its folks has to find meaning other than the superficial acts and hatred motives. It’s not about religion. This isn’t a God thing. This isn’t a political one. It isn’t a human thing either. It is a matter/energy one. We can't fix the world through anger and sadness. We can only do it through love. And I know that I get a lot of eye rolls when I mention "Love" but it is the highest form of vibration. True love for the self and others forces all other frequencies to take backseat.I'm here. You are here. Let's be here together. This is a tribe. We are all in this together. Our job here is to truly keep pulling one another out of the slums, out of the pits of hell when we take a detour, and into light.Get out there and be in nature. Pray. Meditate. Eat right. Correct your alignment with the past by making full loving intentions for your soul and how you want to live. And, for heaven's sake please see a professional when it gets too much. I love you. I believe in you. Ultimately you must believe in yourself!~m.a.p.