Follow Your Dreams

I had a very smart man give me advice recently. He is a brilliant attorney. He has lived many lives. I shared a dream of mine that I feel I will reach and he immediately said to go grab it. He said that the reason people fail in pursuing their dreams is that they wait for the perfect timing. Which never exists. He has seen it time and time again. “Figure it out as you move through it but don’t try and wait for it to come together at once. You will figure it out as you are in it.” He gave me the analytical breakdown of percentages and logistics that made the magic disappear and he laughed because he knew he lost me.Life waits for no one. It doesn’t wait for perfect moments. I hear this from folks who want to have kids but wait for perfect timing. Or someone who wants to write but waits for a perfect computer. Or an artist who wants to paint but waits for a perfect studio. There are no perfect timings. There is a perfect now. There is a perfect dream that is brewing inside of you.Life is too short. It takes courage and an unstoppable desire to follow all that you want. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Start with the desire. Follow through with the willingness and let the rest be created through serendipitous moments.You got this! ~m.a.p.