Real Spirituality...

The discomfort of the unknown is a reminder to sit and let go. We don't have to know what will happen today or tomorrow. We have little control of how things play out. We can try to manipulate one direction and things will turn out the opposite. SO...sit and be. Accept the discomfort. Honor it. Don't reject it because it intensifies. I think it's in the not knowing that our true essence rises to a higher level of consciousness. We begin to trust. We are lead by faith.This where spiritual truth gets tricky. I’m the accepting the unknown we rebel against everything we’ve been programmed to believe.On this sweet summer weekend be gentle with yourself. Be kinder with your spirit. Try and let go of expectations that are serving nothing more than creating fear and anxiety. Just be!~ BE in the present moment and allow things to unfold. As Rumi said, “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.”It is! Your spirit will always guide you towards excellence...don't stop it or try to manipulate it. Follow your inner guidance. That's never wrong! Learn to live life as the adventure it’s meant to be. I love you. ~m.a.p.