Stepping Back

It's important to step back at times and reflect on what's YOUR life and YOUR small world. This forces us to make strong decisions, shift gears and partake in individual retreats. This places the focus on dreams, goals, and aspirations without doubting what anyone will think. You must close off the world for a few weeks, days or hours. I have had to entertain just what's in front of me...making my world very tiny. I have needed to see through tunnel vision for just a few days to stop the chit chat, the excessive manner of deflecting on what my soul truly needs. We are all busy. This detachment allows for just a small window with a giant breathing room to grow...I am lucky mine is a tiny room looking at the yard that is also the laundry room.I go silent. I take in the world around me and use it as an echo from Spirit. This funnel of sorts makes everything doable. I can find answers in this space. My incense is lit. My body molds the old chair. I leave to another place and I can pray, ask, and receive.I love the connection of social media but its ability to suck life at any time can be overwhelming. It's a constant love-hate relationship for me. Just when I think I find a balance something happens and I realize I am not balanced at all. It's an illusion. In trying to grow a business or helping others, this form of communication is magical. But, unfortunately, it is also distracting because you focus on what's not yours. It's easier to focus on everyone else. It's easier to answer messages, give advice, channel divine wisdom for others. I may seem like a total extrovert, but I am really a hermit at heart. I am complex that way. I need people, but I need plenty of alone time to figure out what is important for me. When making a life-changing decision there has to be truly connect with Spirit. My spirituality is the utmost importance for me to follow. I need my daily rituals. I am truly blessed with the love and support from folks who have never met me, but because of this forum, we are connected at the touch of a button.I ask that you dig deep with your heels in the ground. Go be outdoors. Go find time to just be. No distractions. Just be alone to allow your higher self the ability to speak loud and clearly. You will find the answers once you silence the chaotic mind. You will also find mysticism and see things that you are blind to witness during other busy times. Ahhh! Illusions fall away!!!!I love you! Have a magical day. ~m.a:p.