Entertaining Strangers

I've had the amazing pleasure of entertaining angels and guides dressed as humans. I've had teachers show me mystical lessons and practical ways of navigating in this life. I've met folks going through divorces, losing their spouses, and entering into marriages that have echoed my own past experiences. I've seen bravery, strengths and remarkable comebacks from illnesses. I have experienced some incredible phenomenons that aren’t logical and have had aha moments by the thousands. On rare occasions I've experienced the tiny percentage of ugliness, complaints, and stress beyond words. When I encounter folks I truly feel their presence (or lack of).Stories come in all shapes and sizes. When I sit with someone I am always deeply surprised at how folks are truly vulnerable in nature. I am aware that it isn't my business to fix anyone or make them fully happy. Some people receive what they reflect and everything around them seems to be a ticking explosive mechanism. Others are freaking yummilicious and being in their space makes me feel so much better. One of the most priceless lessons has been that I am not responsible for anyone else's happiness. I am not a fairy godmother or a Genie. I am here on this earth to serve as an ear and love. I am here to share sacred space with others without judgment while providing love.I have heard stories, exchanged tears, and had full belly laughs with countless of souls. Usually in the most unpredictable places. I was fortunate to also own a motel/retreat center that allowed for those stories in the past.Overall it has been a journey of a thousand experiences. Each person who has entered my life has left a piece of their spirit with me.Thank you for all the friendships and encounters, here and in real life. I love you. You continue to inspire me every single day.