Love Goes and Returns

I met this young woman today at French Broad Chocolate Lounge in Asheville. She began to share her story in between four of us sharing a lavender creme brûlée, a chocolate cake, ice cream and brownies. It was a diabetic dream. But what was better was her sharing of how her life has changed...or made a giant circle.She has reconnected with her high school boyfriend who was much older. Now, after getting divorced and having two kids, she’s available. He’s never had another serious relationship. He’s never been married.“How does something like this happen? How was he waiting? Did he secretly hope your marriage failed?” I asked fascinated while laughing.“Nope, he just didn’t fall in love ever again. He was the love of my life. I have been the love of his. It was bad timing when I was in college...!” She went into intimate intricate yummy in’s and out’s of condensing ten years.“And here you are! He just declared his love. He’s picking up right where his heart left off.” I patted my heart in complete delight for the utter harlequin romance of it all.We continued to feed our souls, but the true sweetness was in Sara’s story. It was the love that was declared and shared. It was the delicate reminders of how time doesn’t really exist and you can return to the beginning over and over.It takes pure vulnerability to stay open to the magic of what may be without forcing things. It requires courage to follow the heart and quiet the mind. This is love at its depth of being.Life has a way of bringing in the most amazing events when you discard the expectation. Love goes and returns when it’s meant to appear. And this afternoon her energy expressed it all beyond words. It was the most magnificent delicatessen in that chocolate factory.~m.a.p.