Life is Epic

I woke this morning sick of my stories, the drama I repeat, and the never ending struggle to find peace among the storms that are not real but living in my little head. It's sickening. This BEing and just allowing is not for sissies. No one said that the spiritual walk was meant to BE a walk in the park! It takes massive amount of discipline and I don't follow orders very well...even when it's from the esoteric world. So...I got up...did my meditation...had to stop right in the middle and said, "F*@k this crap! I can do this. I have manifested incredible experiences in this lifetime. I can let this go and move on without this struggle. This is my own ego creating this shit! I am more than this scene, this stage, and this production!!!" I got up from the sofa, went outside in the cool morning and saluted the four winds. Now feel like I can keep going without this intense production that hasn't aired in any stage but mine...We have the complete capacity and power to change our thoughts. In those moments I feel the swirl of energy directing me into joy, faith, and love. The heart opens up when I let go of the toxic stories I retell myself. It's just a shift in perception. I promise.Aren't you sick of your same old stories, drama, struggles, and total bullshit (because it is just crap)? Then change the channel...tune into the mass consciousness of love...for you and the world. Get out of your head. Get out of your got this! Onward and outward, darlings....take one breath at a time and move through your knowing. Have a blessed day!