Stick with the Magicians

I recently had a conversation with a friend about someone who has returned into her life from the past. She is angry with herself for allowing him to return. I asked her if she had learned anything new this time around and she had this aha moment over the phone. I could feel her wheels turning. I asked her if perhaps this person returning was to finalize the closure she see how much she’s grown emotionally and spiritually. When we revisit the past, with the same dramatic people (continuous actors who keep repeating same scenarios) we get to decide if we are learning or if we are settling?You are not required to entertain every person who comes into your life, whether they are from the past or new! You get to decide if you want grief or magic. If you want love or despair. If you want peace or chaos.I, for one, surround myself with magicians. Those days of allowing others who were dependent on me fixing them are over. I now attract the mystics, the creators, the lighthouses and the lovers of life.