Moving On

I have moved A LOT in my life. I’ve moved without kids, with many of them, and with little ones. I’ve moved homes, businesses and relationships. Each time the moment arises I get down to it and just pack. I am a Tasmanian Devil quickly getting it done. This time it feels different. My husband and I finally bought a home together. There seems to be a shift in this new move. There is a sacred settling. A peaceful awareness that this home is OURS. I am not an easy person to live with. My head is way out there and I tend to retreat myself into seclusion when I am overwhelmed. And when I’m stressed I am on autopilot and tend to get sick. My husband watches and supports as needed. I love that he truly allows me to be me in entirety. He also knows exactly when to shift my mood with laughter. Our lives, as a couple, changed drastically July 19th, 2017, when he almost died in a car accident. Whatever happened to us before that crash (because relationships take work and sometimes take drastic changes) catapulted us into something mystical. We grew together. We buckled down and reached to the core of some intense love that hadn’t been there before that crash. He began to align our dreams, merging into many that have been manifested this past year. And here we are...two kiddos, moving, traveling, expanding spiritually and through faith. It’s been a roller coaster ride lately. Within a month we got our little boy from Florida, got him situated in a daycare, fought the system like a motherf**** to the point I got sick (because there is corruption in Florida and their privatized child/foster laws), and purchased a home we will close in two weeks. And I am beyond grateful for a job whose folks support every movement I make. I couldn’t do it any other way! There has been a busyness that has sucked the life out of me. But this morning, two little ones in tow, I began to pack up an entire house as my husband left to be with friends (always easier when I am alone)! When he returns most of the house will be packed...(maybe it’s an unrealistic goal but by God, the Aries in me will try)! Life is full of miracles. This last month has proven just that. I am surfing the cosmic highway with seatbelts on and my hands freed to pack and care for two demanding little ones who also have been sick. Moving forward. Moving on. Just moving...has been the theme. With each bin I fill, a box I throw out, a drawer I take apart, I am reminded of the life I’ve built. I am greatly and gratefully aware of how sweet my life is. I never imagined this...not like this. I had no point of reference for this type of bliss and awareness. Thank you all for the constant prayers you all give me through this journey. I am blessed and truly feeling the loving support of my tribe. To my keep me going. I love you. ~m.a.p.