
I want you to read that meme over and over. I remember four years ago when I died in the ER and was returned to this world. I recognized that the moment I woke I was different. As days turned into months and months into years, I had to remove anyone (and anything) that disturbed my sensitivity. I could not be responsible for making the world happy, especially people who sucked the life out of me trying to find happiness. They are responsible for their own journey. Not everyone will approve. Not everyone will agree. People judge from the place of their own perspective and experiences. It’s not for you to try and mold them. Let them judge. Just don’t allow them to break you. So I stopped...I made it a point of truly disengaging from those whose addictions and toxic energy were hurting me. I woke to find me. And every day afterwards I’ve had to continue setting boundaries. Some are easy. Others feel like I’m the worst human on earth. And that’s part of this human thingy. I keep standing in my knowing. Rise, darling. Keep standing for your truth, awareness, love and your life. Keep rising to all that is to come when you live through your authenticity, when you move through love. Whether they approve or not...rise and acknowledge YOU!!!I love YOU! ~m.a.p.