Join Me

I have spent several hours in meditation. I’ve gone deep into the wilderness and other realms. I have found that there is static all over the place. Something is happening.There is a collective sadness. There is much anger. There is exhaustion. And add that times millions and we have an epidemic.I don’t know how to help. I keep asking. I don’t know what I can write that will help start the release and healing. I don’t know how to hold you if I’m here. But...I believe in mindfulness. In sacredness. In the profound effects of love and forgiveness. I believe in Divine guidance and universal forces.I cannot tell you how to begin healing. Or letting go. Or surrendering the hurt and anger. It’s collective. I can, however, hold space with you from here.We’ve been packing to move next week. I took down my altar (which should had been the last thing I needed to pack). It’s somewhere in boxes. My prayer box is in there with the “tools” I use to help others heal. Tonight I am not writing names. There are millions. I am simply collecting the energies and frequencies while recycling them to upgrade into love.I might sound like a childish broken record on my posts....but just love. Love with what and who and where you are. Love heals. You cannot love and hate simultaneously. You cannot stand in darkness and call it love. Compassion and kindness are flames of pure light. Let’s start there.I am holding you tonight. In this realm and others. Prayers are waves of yummy frequencies. They reach the heavens and all the places beyond.Join me...with each conscious breath of just stating the love to the world we make ripples in the fabric of the universe.