Gentle Visit

I went to see a client Saturday with my little boy. Walking in through the halls of the facility little elderly ladies came out to touch and kiss him. I walked into my client’s room. He was lying on the bed and had just eaten breakfast.He’s hard of hearing. Won’t wear his hearing aids. I can’t really talk with him but I let him talk all he wants. He just needs to be heard. He fell in love with my 18 month old while believing he was a little girl.“Oh I would spoil you rotten, sweetheart!” He said while touching his cheeks. He kept saying sweet things to him, reminiscing of another era.He made room for us on his bed and we sat side by side. He kept talking about his little girl (which I was unaware he ever had). At one point he got emotional and a tear rolled down his cheek.My little boy stared at him and reached his tiny hand to his face to stop the tear. My heart melted. I felt a connection beyond his years.My client put his forehead against his and together they sat there for a brief moment transfixed in their divine knowing.His roommate started to cry as well. And I recognized that all we really want is touch and to be seen. We just want to know someone sees all of us. We want to feel loved and understood.I grabbed his hand in mine as I held my baby boy with the other. He dropped his head towards mine and my baby laid his head against my chest.Several generations being held by silence.No words ever exchanged from me. He can’t hear. And all he said over and over was that his world was full of joy this morning. He never asked who I was. He didn’t have to. His dementia tells him another story. I never try to correct it...I am just there for whatever shows up.I hope you reach out to those who aren’t able to understand. I pray you allow the magic to show up without judgment. Watching their exchange gave me hope for deeper empathy and compassion.It’s there. We are there rising above it all. I love you. I see you. I feel you. We are all connected. ~m.a.p.