To All Men

I love women. I love men. I love humanity. In the most difficult and challenging times I still believe in a whole yummy group of spiritual beings making our way in this classroom called Life.I read a lot of male bashing. As if they are the enemy. WTH. No way. And neither are women. The collective has been programmed to create division. In just about everything.We cannot fix our issues by separating classes, genders, beliefs or whatever. We aid in healing this planet through connections and unity.I know some freaking fantastic males who teach me every day to strive to be better. I have four sons and four daughters. I learn from each one of them.To my male friends, sons, husband, and strangers! I see you. You got this. Thank you for what you do. Us women couldn’t be here without you. We are the universe’s Yin and Yang. Lately you’ve been taken personal heat for a lot. We need to heal together.Thank you for walking alongside us. I love you. I see you. And I am here on this journey with you because we don’t have to stay quiet about shit any longer.