Follow Your Dreams

If I ask you what you want how long will it take you to answer me without giving me what you DO NOT want? Most folks know exactly what they want to get rid of, or move from, or what is shattering their souls into pieces. It’s hard to come up with what you want with complete confirmation because maybe it’s out of your perception. Maybe it feels like a fantasy. Or maybe it just hard to reach it.I can always give a list of the things I don’t want really fast. Those are the things I carry and I don’t want the continuous feeling of struggle. Then I immediately become conscious of my negative thought process and shift to all that I want. I begin to feel the magic of creation.I had a friend over yesterday to discuss my new website. She’s a talented social media magician. And when we talked about what I wanted it to be I knew what it felt like. I knew how I wanted others to feel when they visited it. I want it to feel like coming home to sacred space. I want it to be a virtual breathing space that is safe.Sometimes we need someone to just ask the questions. Someone to be there to hold our hand and nod and smile.Had anyone asked me just hours prior I didn’t think I knew. But sitting with her was like digging into my soul. I immediately knew the emotions of just being in my dream. I gave myself permission in her presence to feel this way.And this is what we all want. We want to know that what we desire is of value. Even if it sounds silly. Speak it. Share it. Allow for it to materialize. There is power in your words and the moment you verbalize them, or write them, they begin to birth into reality.What do you want? Take paper and pen. Make your list. Start to visualize it. Start to birth your dreams. I promise you that once you put all your emotions into it, without doubt or fear, you become the mystical powerhouse of creation. You align with divine forces.