The Victim Mode

As humans we aren’t exempt from brokenness and deep wounds. It’s how the light gets in. I don’t believe we are victims. The victim mind isn’t one I associate myself with at all...anymore. Every act leads to a reaction which follows by growth.Some folks stay in victim/martyr mode. It works for them because they get attention. They get what they need. I used to be led by my circumstances, telling and retelling of stories that no longer served me. I don't know how or why, but a part of me needed to be acknowledged for those experiences.When traumas come up, whether through dreams or real life, I sit with them. I now recognize them. I also send them off their way. I visit for as long as they need attention. Those events and obstacles happened to get where I am now. Had I not experienced them I wouldn’t be who I am today. That may be a good or bad thing. It doesn’t matter. It’s still part of the formation of my human ego/personality.I choose not to live in those crevices or soft reminders. I choose to rise and keep learning. I choose to forgive myself (and whoever else) for the participation. I choose to thank God (and them) for the amazing roles. This doesn’t mean the act is ignored. It doesn’t mean it never happened. It only means that I am not a victim of my past. I am also not a survivor. I am a human being on a journey of self-empowerment. I choose to stay in this excursion through love. I choose love over anything else.  When those memories, dreams, or events re-appear I now have the ability to detach from the pain and look at them as blessings. Every step, corner, edge, and mishap molded me in just the perfect way to open me consciously.
You and I have the capacity for greatness. The only way to move forward is to accept, detect and reject the things that have happened.  If you are living in regrets and resentments you aren't ready to move into the next level of greatness. You are still in victim mode. If you keep blaming others for who and what you've become, you are still in martyr and victim mode. You are the only one who can change that role. Stop giving the pen for others to write YOUR story. Stop being ashamed of what brought you here. Stop allowing the past to dictate your present and future.  Every fear and disappointment adds to the level of your health. Do you want to be sick or do you want to be free? Forgive and let go. Don't keep holding on to things that cannot be changed. 
Get out there and recognize your worth. Every single moment gives you an opportunity to do better, be better, and create better for yourself. No one is a victim. Traumas are part of the darkness that gives duality to our world. Without those experiences we would never know how amazing things can be. There is a balance available to us at all times. Choose love. Choose the ultimate love for yourself and move out of those old beliefs, undeserving paradigms and stay in the highest frequency of all.  
It isn't enough that I let go of my own past. It requires the collective to do the same so we can shift the consciousness around the world. We are coming into some incredibly delicious times. Join me in healing. We can do it together.
I love you.