Be Soft with You

Be soft with your spirit. Be gentle with your essence. BE authentic to your purpose and calling. Rid yourself from the negative self-talk. You become everything you say that you are or that you are not. We are born every day, every minute, every second. We are here on borrowed time. Make it lovingly serene with your heart so that you can present your soul lovingly to another. This struggle is all bullshit at the end of the day. It doesn't matter what you did or haven't done. This moment, wasted reading this, or contemplating what hasn't been scratched off your To Do List, is all irrelevant.Really...this is nonsense. All the fake-ness of pretending and showing others a different person in order to fit in society. I want to know YOU...the real you that cries in your car, gets giddy at the first dog you see in the street...the YOU that loves the moon and stars.There are folks losing their jobs, their homes, and families. There are others sitting alone in a hospital room watching a loved one fight for their lives. While some others are in the petty claws of political and religious arguments on social media…life is happening out there. Life is happening in here. Life is a series of ongoing movements and motions reminding us that we get to pick the perception and reaction.I don’t know why bad things happen. I don’t know why anything happens. I would like to believe it’s for the evolution of our higher self. I would like to believe it’s part of a larger design. Who truly knows at this point? I have to be led by faith and that onset programming of a higher body of spirit guiding me.What I do know is that we need one another. We need a tribe. We need love. YES...lots of love and to turn on our hearts to accept and spread it.We need to know that we aren’t alone in the path of obstacles and challenges. We need to get out of our own head space and truly feel the vibration of another who is part of the overall conscious mass and start shifting towards changing the negatives to positives.Hold a friend's hand in need. Hug your lover as if it was the last time. Kiss those kids tightly. Smile at a stranger. Open doors for an elderly person. Compliment a cashier. Delete the toxic folks out of your life. If they don't raise you then they have taught you something. It's time to move on. Use your energy wisely. Just get out of your freaking head and lovingly give to another who needs to feel that the illusion of loneliness is not drowning their existence. It matters. It all matters to that one human who is struggling with life.Stop the craziness of self doubt and anxiety because there is no way you leave this life alive. STOP focusing on the lack of anything and start creating by living in joy. for yourself with honor, love, and compassion. You don't own this blue planet alone. I am here. You are here. Let's be here together in peace and harmony. Let's be raised by love and light. We got this! ~m.a.p.