Just Allow Love to Be

Last night my heart felt a small crack of old brokenness. I allowed for it. I was deeply hurt by a loved one who continues to love me in her own manner but I expect her to love me differently. After a few hours I let it go. After release of tears I forgave my own heart for desiring things to be differently. She loves me the way she knows how to love. It’s demoralizing and unacceptable for me to expect her love as I love. It’s also not fair to her for me to expect anything. It’s my shit. Not hers. So I truly let go of the expectation of what love should look like. From children. From family. From friends. From my mate. I love as I love. That’s it. To expect otherwise is egotistical and irresponsible. That’s a personality and labeling that does me no justice. Love because that’s your job. And let go because that’s also your job. Love you!