On Being Spiritual

You can be spiritual and watch television, curse and get angry. You can be healthy and not weigh 100 lbs. You get to choose what you eat and drink and smoke. And you can actually be pretty divine. You can be centered/grounded and still be in chaos. You can love someone and not agree with them. You can be friendly and compassionate and not tolerate bullsh*t. There are social classes because man has created them. If your religion teaches you hate...that’s not a religion...it’s a brainwashing cult. Jesus, Buddha, and every spiritual leader/guru came into their incarnations to teach love, acceptance, forgiveness and compassion. The day we stop labeling everything, and everyone, we will be vibrating at a higher level of consciousness. We have learned in this society to put things in to-do lists, organized files and boxes. But we are people. Not things. Stop following toxicity. Stop making it part of your life. You don’t like something then make a point to delete it, change it, leave it or deal with it. You know what makes you special? Your ability to love and forgive. You know what makes you authentic? The desire to not put up with toxic things, places or people. It’s when you stand firm in your truth and knowing. Your convictions are character traits that are learned from others. But, what is ingrained in your DNA is love. I don’t care who you are. If you have deviated from love it is because of your experiences, upbringing, traumas and the folks you have around you. Do whatever makes YOU happy. You came into this world with a divine compass unique to you. Don’t try to “fit” in order to be liked. Life is too short. Giddy on up and love till you burst into stardust again! You are a miracle. Don’t forget this.