Shifting to Gratitude

Several years ago I wore a rubber band around my wrist. Every time I had a complaint I would snap it (or negative self talk). Needless to say that on that first day my wrist was swollen and I had to use the other one the next day. By the end of three days I became mindful of my thoughts. By the end of the week I turned complaints into opportunities to learn and evolve. It’s about time I redo this again. I have been stuck on that long ass line for too long.We forget to feel gratitude for the teachers who trigger us. For the events that break us and force us to grow spiritually. For the incredible obstacles that mold us. We forget because we have been programmed since very young to see things from a victim mode. We are talk to sit (or stand) and moan and groan in order to be heard.So today, as snow is about to hit us, I will be mindful of staying in a positive light. Snapping back to gratitude. I want the short line!