
Change is coming.As I sit on my back deck I catch the first sign of the autumn leaves turning. I’m not ready for summer to be over. I am not ready for fall just yet. There has been a freeing and release this summer. There has been a spiritual expansion that has allowed me to truly work on some beautiful projects. Huge shifts have happened and continue to evolve. Seeing these leaves turning somehow matches part of my emotional journey.I saw a black bear in our yard a few mornings ago as I was headed out to work. Just seeing it made me giddy. I received the synchronicity and serendipitous message of his presence...the power of this animal totem.I am aware of the signs and messages pushing me to truly stay grounded.I am turning. I am also transforming from one season into another. As much as I want to hang on to the greenery and warmth of summer I recognize the desire to move inward. It’s in upcoming months that I move internally to create.The last few months have brought a huge awareness of what and who I allow in my life. It’s not just the physical weight I’ve shed these last few months but lots of emotional baggage as well. I have rid myself of major toxic energy. I have learned to protect myself from things that would bring others down. It’s been a wonderful season of bearing down and letting go. It’s been a season of exposure from darkness into light.The sun has been lovely and the growth has been magical. I have seen mysticism all around me, from children to elderly folks and lots of amazing animals in these mountains (giving messages from other realms).There is still time to settle into the long nights of summer. There is tremendous gratitude for my life and those I love beyond words. Seasons may come and go but my inner circle of friends and family continue to warm my heart all year long.Slow down and watch the world around you. There is a magnificent shift in our timelines happening right now. All we have to do is pay attention for the changes...the small and the large ones.I see you.I honor you.I love you.