Love is Everywhere

I took this picture a year ago. I see hearts everywhere. And I like to believe I find love everywhere as well. Because I believe it I also get to witness it. Daily. In the most miraculous ways. I see it in co-workers, friends, children, strangers and nature. I see it in heart-shaped rocks, frozen windshields as they defrost, gum stuck on the sidewalk, coffee grains on the bottom of the pot... I find it in the most amazing places like these trees. Each time I find a heart I also find love. I get super giddy. Every single time.See, darlings, I don’t live my life based on what is heavy for too long. I want to believe in the good of the world, the magic we pass on to each other, and in the knowing that we are connected at all times. There is a cosmic highway traveling around us and I’m just in one lane, windows down, waiting to see love everywhere around me. I am fully aware that I attract the love.Have a yummilicious evening. Search and you will find...just make sure you are searching for joy and love.