Happy 2020

Growth doesn’t happen quickly. It takes time. Expansion is slow and sometimes extremely messy. Spiritual growth forces you to see the parts of yourself that are dark and unattractive.But...Once it starts to unravel you begin to see the new you. Once you consciously SEE it things begin to make sense.2019 was such a year for me. I am grateful for it all.By the time October hit I was in shambles. I was depleted. I found myself during lunch times curled up in my car overlooking the mountains by work praying the year would just swallow me whole. I was done with it and the lessons. They were metaphysical lessons. They were emotional ones. They were all about ripping me apart to examine me. And it wasn’t pretty. Ughhh it was not nice to see myself going through the dark night of the soul without a lantern.The last time I experienced such openness was in the end of 2010 when I moved to these mountains. And now I was coming full circle recognizing the all-ness and oneness of the lessons.So as November began I felt a sense of relief. By the time December arrived I had truly found myself with much clarity about the things I desired. I saw ME.2019 has been an incredibly tough teacher. 2020 will be all about finally BEing the person I have dreamed off becoming.I pick two words for the year. I had picked “release and surrender” for 2019. What did I expect?So for 2020 I have picked “adventure and joy.”Make your intentions clear. Write them. Don’t let another day pass you by with dreams. Chase after them. I have spent years dreaming of writing and creating. This is my year to put it all out there with humanitarian causes.Happy New Everything to you, darlings. You are not alone on this journey even if you feel that you are. Reach out please! I love you.