Sacred Journey Inward

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Trust in the Knowing

Be clear with your intentions. You will manifest everything you desire and the things you don’t. Sometimes it takes a little longer because it might not be what you need to be doing.Many months ago, almost a year, I wanted a job working as a foster care recruiter. I took a lead-teacher position in the organization just to get my feet in the door. It was an excruciating, exhausting job. I took care of 8 babies daily and my body was screaming with constant pain. I finally lef t it over a week ago to create space for my spiritual practice and see clients.
Yesterday I was offered THAT position. I stood back after reading the email and just sat with it. I heard Spirit ask, “Well, here you have it. How badly do you still want to play it safely or will you trust yourself, and us, to align with your soul’s purpose? You are meant to touch others in a different manner while still helping children!”I heard it clearly. I sat in sacred silence. I thanked the whisper. I thanked God. I felt the clarity in answering the email, “Thank you so much for considering me but I will be passing on this at this time....”I trust the magic of Source. I trust me. It’s daunting to depend on myself after so long instead of a weekly paycheck. But this I know: I am always taken care of. I trust that my business as a love cheerleader, story tender, and writer will grow. I trust that I will help others navigate their journey. We all need a little help. We all need to feel supported.Trust, darlings. Listen to that little voice that sends you messages. It never does you wrong. Ego will battle with it and if you are open to release and let will float in the arms of trust with faith.


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