A New World

I slept very little last night. I tossed and turned. I would take a short nap to wake to this new reality.

This is a massive new experience that is shaking up the world. It feels like a wicked sci-fi movie. But this reality is transforming us all. It is elevating awareness and consciousness like never before. It is transforming us to live in the precious moments.

I watched a video from Madrid, Spain. A doctor shared, while sobbing, their reality that because of the lack of ventilators they are letting those older than 65 years die so the ventilators can go to the younger population.

So I cried along with him as the video shared the doctor’s plea for government aid. Another female doctor expressed her anger and frustration. These folks are dying alone. Nurses are the only ones able to hold their hands as they go through the agony of dying.

It’s happening across the globe.

This virus is not just taking out the weakest link. It’s taking us to a place of destitution. We are asking about our purpose here. We are questioning the why’s and how’s. It is unmasking humanity and we are all feeling it. All of it! Part of the collective is mourning. The other half is waiting for something powerful to happen.

One moment I am stricken by the anxiety of the unknown. On another moment I am excited to see a new world emerge from the fire. There are so many facets to all of this. And I refuse to allow fear dictate my days. But there are still those moments I will look at my children and hold tears back. We will never be here again.

This event is showing us how to work together to stay alive by not being together. It’s opening us greatly to compassion and love from afar. And we are finally recognizing that we are connected. What happens over there also happens over here. What happens to you affects those around us. We can’t do this without the collective participation.

Healthcare workers have become heroes beyond any other type of groups before. They are in the front lines witnessing death on a daily basis.

The only way to contain this is to please stay away from others. My heart aches for the elderly population which happens to be one of the most precious group of humanity. They brought us here. They are our historians. They are our ancestors.

Be safe, darlings. Stay in your highest vibration. There is so much that will come out of this. I believe it. But until then please be mindful to keep us all safe. You are making a difference by your actions. And continue to raise each other instead of tearing each other apart.