Two Worlds

Hello darlings. Yesterday a dear spiritual friend called me while I was alone in my car going to get soil for my veggie garden. I went into Lowe's and came out in less than 10 minutes. I am still not ready to emerge with the world. I keep getting inklings of so much that's happening and until my gut doesn't feel sick I will remain put. It is not fear but precaution.

As she and I spoke I realized that I am not alone with these feelings. We spoke about the timelines splitting. We can see things happening now. There is a massive and drastic contrast in people and their choices. And I feel it will get larger.

Our lives feel rather wobbly. It all seems surreal. About three years ago I was in meditation and I visited with an older version of me. This "me" was living in the mountains nearby but the world was different. I didn't interact with this aspect of myself but I sat listening to her share what happened during "the great pandemic that changed humanity." She said a lot of what's happening now but also added how the political arena would cause a split in the ascension process and the world would see a giant separation in reality. I didn't make much of that experience. I remember coming back from that astral visit and shaking my head believing I must be going insane… what pandemic? No such thing is gonna happen here.

I know…by now you have been sensing a lot of your own spiritual experiences. These times are not for sissies. I don't argue with others who don't think or believe like me. I won't even interject what I feel. Everyone is navigating through their own shift. Everyone is sure they know what they know. It's beautiful because it is true. They are in their knowing.

But, here is what I suggest for myself and others…to stay in your knowing. What doesn't feel right is your own internal GPS guiding you. You ready to get out in the world? I am so proud of you and happy you feel it's time. You don't feel like it is time to merge into the world just yet? Stay put if that makes you feel safe.

We do not have to follow anyone. We have the ability to create and tap into our own realities. Mine might be so different from yours that you shake your head in judgment and think I am out of my mind (and I might just be). Speaking with my friend we realized that we have both received similar messages from our guides and it was good to confirm it. For me. For her.

I love you and I hope and pray you follow your knowing. You do not have to explain how you feel or have to experience guilt for not doing what others expect you to do. The world is changing quickly. There is so much that's coming: good and hard. How we lived was not how we will return to live. Stay in your truth. Live in your knowing. Practice what you know to be your reality. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone else. By all means, if this doesn't resonate with you please keep scrolling. If it does resonate I would love for you to share your experiences.