Let’s Try and I Ride the Uncertainty

Oh darlings!

I’m sure I’m not alone in the heartache. We are experiencing a new level of pandemic. And I don’t have a clue how we will greet the weeks or the upcoming months. I’m at a loss. And it’s okay to be here because we may experience a lot more.

Today I am livid. I am angry at the isolation of almost three months. I am exhausted for not having much time alone other than maybe an hour or two a week when I take off. I am hurting for the collective. I am mourning what was and what may become a new life. I don’t know! But I am truly allowing myself the ability to sit with it because I can’t do much else at this point. I am not alone, yet I feel deeply alone in my thoughts.

I sat in my garden yesterday and made this video. However, I must add that violence does not fix violence. And I know, that millions feel that without it nothing changes. I can’t agree. I feel that we are dealing with forces that feed the lower vibrations. So when you continue to feed hate with hate you basically stay in a loop. No resolution.

Destruction of properties doesn’t do anything but fuel the fire. Violence against each other isn’t allowing for resolution but magnifying what we original stand for which is no more racism. We want justice. But justice with more injustice has never worked. The issue is separation and how we meet desegregation.

I don’t know how to fix the virus of hate. We’ve been in a war for thousands of years. This is just another battle. But what is now different is that energetically timelines are splitting and the next several months will see some resolution for many of us. We will find our place. We will use our voices to help. We may not be in the frontlines of the fight but we must continue to raise the frequency of the planet. So much will be coming up and out. We will have to hold each other up. First we must let go of the fear. We must let go of expectations.

Be kind and mindful of people’s perspective. Have compassion for those who do not think like you. You have had your experiences. They have theirs. We will meet somewhere in the middle.

I wish to God that I didn’t feel the anxiety that is moving through my body that arrives from not wanting to feel the chaos. So I will not fight it. I will continue to show up through love. I’ve experienced violence and hate in my personal life and what has shifted the events has always been nonviolent actions and love. My voice has changed the outcome of those personal narratives.

Lightworkers …. this is your moment. This is why you’ve been shedding so much of your traumas lately. This is why you are here. You have been healing in order to help others transition into the higher vibrations. This 3D programming is dissolving.

Please message me if you are struggling. Let me know how we can navigate together. Stay in your knowing. Embrace your love. We are divine beings created especially for these battles. Let’s rise!