Opinions and Expectations

We judge (and criticize) based on our experiences. If someone is not the same religion, or political party, or looks and acts the same as you then there is a lack of them filling your expectations. The speculations arise from the difference. There is fear at times of the unknown and lack of understanding. The insecurities may rise to the top of the list.

If you are too lovey dovey you are too needy.
If you are too positive you are bypassing all human experiences.
If you use crystals and burn sage you are not Christian because you are a witch.
If you cuss you are a bad uneducated person.
If you are too trusting you are naive and gullible.
If you share too much spiritual stuff you are a fake wanna-be guru.
If you speak your truth you are arrogant and a know-it-all.
If you don’t participate in every argument you are weak and afraid to stand up for yourself.
If you have a sarcastic sense of humor you are hiding major trauma.
If you let your kids watch too much television you are an uncaring parent.
If you send love and light to the world you are a new-agey hippie.
If you aren’t fighting for a cause you may be a closet racist.
If you are overweight you have low self esteem.

I am certain you can add to the list. If you do anything that is outside of other people’s perspectives there will be judgment.

You can only meet someone at the level of their awareness and experiences. Your opinion of me and others is based on your expectations. When those expectations aren’t met you immediately judge.

Guess what fixes that?
Getting rid of your expectations and accepting others as imperfect and learning from their diversities. We are all truly trying to walk each other home. All day. Every day.

Guess what else alters this state of speculations?
Loving folks as they are. Meeting people where they are emotionally, physically and spiritually. We need more open-minded-closed-mouth souls on this planet. We don’t need categorizing anyone. Not hurting them because they are different. Not using past experiences as markers for all future events. Forgiving and letting go of shit are imperative at this time.

IT IS TIME TO COME TOGETHER AND NOT TEAR EACH OTHER APART. Who the hell left anyone in charged of this planet that we are fighting for freaking rights that shouldn’t even be questioned? We are all of the human race.

We are living in the most intense times of our lives as the massive collective consciousness shift is happening. Most traumas and triggers are coming up because it’s time to release them. We are healing. We are shedding old beliefs. If you can’t handle those issues with the people you love then it’s time to truly reconsider your relationships. Love means loving the entirety of a person, not choosing and picking the parts that align with yours.

Be gentle, darlings! There is so much anger out there and it’s shocking to our systems. My heart is cracked open. I am feeling it deeply. I love you.