

Such a simple and complex emotion.

We birth it.

We give it.

We take it.

We buy it and sell it.

We hand it over unconditionally.

We bury it.

We add boundaries around it.

We hurt. We grow. We break.

We silently ache for it.

We attach things to it.

We hold and and release it.

We create a world around it.

We learn from it.

We evolve and transcend in spirit because of it.

It’s a noun, a verb, and everything in between.

We love people, places, animals, things and so much more.

It’s life.

It is the reason we live, inspire, and connect.

It is the compass of the soul.

And it will always guide you if you listen.

Every single one of you holds directions through it.

Every particle of your being energetically vibrates to its purpose.

Where will it take you today?