Don’t Feed Fears

I feel that we give our fears power when we don’t talk about them. The secrets and worries we hold inside reinforce that toxic energy. We give it (or them) life. We add a vibration into our lives by obsessing on those “things” we don’t share out of shame or guilt or old programming.

One of my old personality programs has been controlled. I fall into a fearful moment of feeling as if another (or a system) is controlling my decisions. There is a difference between being influenced and handing over my complete life to another. I ask often, “how is this fear of being controlled running my life?” In most cases it isn’t. It’s all an illusion. It’s old experiences of feeling helpless in situations. I have grown enough to know that I am in complete authority of my decisions and choices. And, I give room to the unexpected and wonderful divine guidance.

What do you fear that stops you from moving forward at this time? What Influences you to feed those fears?

This is a non-judgment zone, darlings.

Sending love your way.