Everything is Possible - Livestream Class getting closer

jXJCRihgYOU make it happen.  As we get closer to this event I am getting so excited. I have seen the magic happen because of the content in this program. It has been transformative for me and thousands. Manifesting is the next step of humanity!Hello Darlings!Do you believe everything IS possible? We do!And guess what? Our wildest dreams are ALL coming true.My good friend Mindy and I took this class last year and it has changed our lives!! No seriously, I know we've all heard that before from other people... But this REALLY DID!! We want to offer all of you the opportunity to step into your BEST LIFE too.And we KNOW you can because we are currently living that truth. It’s all in the energy of now. And, it’s available to allll of us!!Our weekend plurkshop (play + work = plurk) is named appropriately Everything is Possible to let the planet in on the little secrets we’ve discovered that have radically rocked our world.We will be LIVESTREAMING online Sept 19th & 20th. Join us! You will embody... 

  • Techniques to help your outer world mirror your inner world
  • Simplified tools delivered in a way you can easily remember (ABC’s and 1,2,3’s) 
  • Discovering unique talents and setting intentions that are authentic and in sync 
  • Examining ways to get grounded and aligned before taking inspired action  
  • Generating a vision for your life that’s aligned with your greatest gifts and energy
  • Being inspired by your new mission with unlimited possibilities

AndTHIS IS BIG—we’re also launching an “open source” program this year…for the first time, you’ll have the ability to teach this workshop to others (with a partner)! What better way to spread the word of manifestation than with your assistance? You, too, can facilitate your own Everything is Possible Plurkshop. (Happy dance.)We’re creating a workbook and specific plans for you, with step-by-step details on how to put on your own event... to assist others in designing a life that reflects their deepest desires. All while generating wealth doing what you love. You can add it to your toolbox and take it out into the world. But first, you must attend the Everything is Possible Plurkshop. Otherwise, you don’t know what you don’t know : )Our mission can become your mission too! Join us and spread the happy-ness.Mark your calendar for September 19 & 20.[RSVP NOW to Save Your Spot ]Propel your evolution to the next level. And, finally understand what it means to truly thrive!  We are excited to help you step into a life you didn't think was possible!You Master, you!Millie, Mindy, Marilyn & Joeaux (with Adironnda & The Council of Light) P.S. Here’s what people like you have told us… “I love how Adironnda comes close, touches each person, and gives nuggets of wisdom and interesting information about who we are.” ~ Yanny C.“…All I can say is that it was a mind-blowing experience with amazing coaches, and I was surrounded by like-minded people who wish to make the world a better place by living in integrity and love. Thank you for the privilege to be part of your family.” ~Liliana A.“…It was such a powerful event and the teachings were simple yet so empowering…The channeled messages and love emanating from Adironnda activated many shifts as I began to connect with the truest version of myself to allow the old stories to fall away. I’m so excited to teach and share some of the practices I learned over the weekend.” ~Denise H.If you have any questions, email us. We’re always happy to help you!
